PLANA Solutions White Paper

This White Paper summarizes the goals, values ​​and morals of Plana Solutions - LTD. 

Here you will find our development vision and the main concepts that have been driving us forward as a company since 2015. Our framework for the production and implementation of top-notch business software in small, medium and large companies from all segments and sectors of the economy. Our understanding of community and loyalty to everyone we've partnered with. Our deep connection with Bulgaria's and Europe's business ecosystem.


Plana Solutions - LTDD is a Bulgarian company, owned by persons, citizens of the Republic of Bulgaria. Our foundation has always been partnership. First between partners, and then with our counterparties. A principle in our corporate identity is the horizontal hierarchy. We believe that every opinion is important and every person has the right to an equal voice.


Since 2015, our company has been offering solutions for digital transformation of business processes. We achieve a successful transformation through analysis, consultation and integration according to the specific customer needs of the platforms developed by us - PLANA Business Cloud and PLANA t-core one - ERP systems (enterprise resource planning) of the "all in one" type, offering a full range of applications for corporate governance aimed at companies of all sizes.

Our distributions are cloud-based and accessible from any device through a web browser. Due to the open source foundation we use, our systems are adaptable to the needs of users, allowing connection with any external systems. The core of our products - Odoo Community, with its more than 8 million users, is one of the most used open source software in the world. This makes us flexible and up to date with the most modern methodologies and trends in the world.

We have built a high-tech architecture in Google's data centers in Belgium. That's where we host our databases. We provide our partners with the highest level of security with automatic backups, connection encryption, protection from various attacks, automated deployment, staging bases and guaranteed availability 24/7.


Boyan Rabchev - co-founder, partner and CTO; 

Martin Korulev - partner and senior developer; 

Julian Lubenov - partner and senior programmer; 

Ramona Gospodinova - developer and web-champion; 

Miglena Yankova - operational accountant; 

Kiril Georgiev - junior business analyst and support; 

Nikola Nikolov - partner, business analyst and support; 

Chudomir Monevski - co-founder, partner and CEO; 


Toma Varsano - visual designer and ui/ux expert; 

Krasin Stoyanov - hardware and networks; 

Stoyan Stoyanov - accountant; 

Katya Stoyanova - accountant; 

Georgi Zlatkov - business development; 

Cloud Office - Google partner;

Brands under direct control: 

PLANA Business Cloud 

PLANA t-core one 

eSche bg 

Jbee Digital 



Univend bg

Europatour Premium


Entrepreneurs, business leaders, owners, managers and decision makers in their companies. All who seek to modernize processes, increase the efficiency of their companies, and thereby add value to their products and services.

Our mission: 

To provide a top-of-the-line ERP system to automate day-to-day processes in all aspects of business. To offer flexible upgrade options, according to the requirements of each of our partners. Let's give business the peace of mind to run, and let us take care of the management software technology.

Since the beginning of 2023, we have been developing a completely free version of our PLANA t-core one platform. As stated in its name, "teamcore" aims at strengthening the team spirit, standing at the core of the starting and developing companies in Bulgaria and the world. PLANA t-core one marks the beginning of a revolution in management software in Bulgaria.